Transportation and disposal of hazardous waste
- Transportation and disposal of hazardous and industrial liquid waste (polluted water - industrial waste - solvents - acids - chemicals - and other liquid waste)
- Transportation and disposal of hazardous and industrial solid waste (tires - plastics - chemicals - empty containers - polluted soil – cement kiln dust -filters - and other solid waste)
- Transportation and disposal of waste batteries (all types of batteries except lithium batteries)
- Transportation and disposal of waste sludge
- Transportation and disposal of oils
- Conducting of the environmental studies (environmental impact assessment studies - environmental records - social impact assessment studies - environmental auditing)
Transportation and disposal of Medical waste
Our services cover different types of medical waste, which include:
- Infectious Waste & Anything that's infectious or contaminated
- Sharps & Waste like needles, scalpels, broken glass and razors
- Pathological Waste & Human or animal tissue, body parts, blood and fluids
- Pharmaceutical Waste & Unused and expired drug or medicines, like creams, pills, antibiotics
- Genotoxic Waste & Cytotoxic drugs and other hazardous toxic waste, that's carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic.
- Radioactive Waste & Any waste containing potentially radioactive materials
- Chemical Waste & Liquid waste, typically from machines, batteries and disinfectants
- General/Other Waste & All other, non-hazardous waste.
Conducting of the environmental studies
- Conducting of the environmental studies (environmental impact assessment studies - environmental records - social impact assessment studies - environmental auditing)