Our Services

Nawaql Company provides its services in all cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the management and supervision of an integrated and qualified staff in their various fields and according to the international HSE regulations. The company follows the laws and requirements of the National Center for Monitoring Environmental Compliance and the National Center for Waste Management in all stages of waste management, starting from determining the type and potential impacts of waste, passing through its proper transportation, and then final disposal in qualified and approved waste treatment and disposal facilities.


Transportation and disposal of hazardous waste

  • Transportation and disposal of hazardous and industrial liquid waste (polluted water - industrial waste - solvents - acids - chemicals - and other liquid waste)
  • Transportation and disposal of hazardous and industrial solid waste (tires - plastics - chemicals - empty containers - polluted soil – cement kiln dust -filters - and other solid waste)
  • Transportation and disposal of waste batteries (all types of batteries except lithium batteries)
  • Transportation and disposal of waste sludge
  • Transportation and disposal of oils
  • Conducting of the environmental studies (environmental impact assessment studies - environmental records - social impact assessment studies - environmental auditing)

Transportation and disposal of Medical waste

Our services cover different types of medical waste, which include:

  • Infectious Waste & Anything that's infectious or contaminated
  • Sharps & Waste like needles, scalpels, broken glass and razors
  • Pathological Waste & Human or animal tissue, body parts, blood and fluids
  • Pharmaceutical Waste & Unused and expired drug or medicines, like creams, pills, antibiotics
  • Genotoxic Waste & Cytotoxic drugs and other hazardous toxic waste, that's carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic.
  • Radioactive Waste & Any waste containing potentially radioactive materials
  • Chemical Waste & Liquid waste, typically from machines, batteries and disinfectants
  • General/Other Waste & All other, non-hazardous waste.

Conducting of the environmental studies

  • Conducting of the environmental studies (environmental impact assessment studies - environmental records - social impact assessment studies - environmental auditing)
Consultation Profile